Life Insurance

For many people Life Insurance is a difficult subject to talk about, and it certainly isn’t something we ever want to use, but one of the simple facts of life is we won’t live forever, but very often the people we care about the most will be left to face financial burdens when we are gone.

We’ve all seen the stories on the news where a special fund has been set up to help a family whose primary breadwinner has tragically died. Although tragic accidents and untimely deaths can’t be avoided, leaving a loved one in a situation where they aren’t sure how next month’s mortgage or rent is going to be paid can be avoided.

There are many types of life insurance available and the team at Grandview Insurance can help you and your family find the right policy – from term life insurance to whole life insurance and universal life insurance we will work within your budget to make sure your family is provided for in the event of an untimely death. If you are in a partnership, we can provide for a business insurance policy that includes term insurance on each partner.

For more information about any of our services, please Contact Us or click your areas of interest below:

    Grandview Insurance Agency

    1500 West Third Avenue, Suite 300
    Columbus, Ohio 43212
    (614) 915-0977