Home Insurance
Anyone who has a mortgage on their home is required to have homeowner’s insurance; however, the limits and types of coverage you may need vary depending upon your individual situation.
For some people, home insurance is just that, coverage on the home itself because it is a rental property. For others, the coverage includes content replacement insurance, special riders or endorsements covering art, jewelry and antiques, and higher liability than is standard. No matter the type of coverage you require for your home, let the Grandview Insurance Agency team help find you the right policy for your needs so you are protected from natural disasters, robbery, and accidents.
Although homeowner’s insurance is available through online discount providers, we strongly recommend that you work with a local agent who can make sure that you are covered properly for your situation and needs. Our insurance professionals know the perils that impact Columbus area homes and we also know the specifics of what insurance policies in Ohio require.
For more information about any of our services, please Contact Us or click your areas of interest below:

Grandview Insurance Agency
1500 West Third Avenue, Suite 300
Columbus, Ohio 43212
(614) 915-0977